2011年3月14日 星期一

Sinningia helioana

This species was called Sinningia sp."Santa Teresa" before, and renamed as Sinn. helioana at present. Looking totally different from its genus species, it's usually with one leaf growing from tuber directly. Actually the part looking like a petiole is the stem, and true petiole is very short.
After growing it 4 years, now it's blooming. I guess because the tuber is small and young, the flowers are very small and few. 2 years ago, a friend told me that it needs to be dry rest in winter to flower well in spring, but I didn't try the method. Living in warm area, the weather isn't cool enough in winter, so formerly I kept water when the plant was with a leaf even in winter. About October last year, its only leaf was yellow-dry suddenly, I stopped watering it, waited next new leaf, but it didn't grow. Then placing the plant to where without water and beight light, I didn't pay attention to it until last week. That's really a suprise when seeing it flower bud, so soon I placed it out for bright light, and it blooms after 5 days.
There is another species called Sinn. sp. "Pancas" similar to Sinn. helioana. Young seedings of both species are with many opposite leaves, but when growing a period of time, those seedings re-grow a stem with one leaf from tubers, and old stem including opposite leaves is dry completely. I culture Sinn. sp. "Pancas" just one years, and guess it might also take 4 or more years to see it's flowers lol.

